Thursday, January 25, 2007

My birthday is in June...

So all you who are a part of Central... take note.

All together now...


Anonymous said...

"...holy $#*!".

here's my favorite bit: "They were speechless," Caldwell said. "That's about a million dollars apiece."

did you need an abacus for that one?

jared said...

Excuse me while I vomit.

Kevin said...

I hope you are vomitting money, or we will never have the millions for paul by june.

Jennifer said...

I think I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. A millionaire. I mean televangelist. Same thing. ;-)

And I second Jared's sentiment.

I'm also curious as to whether his congregation gave more to him or to God....

Jennifer said...

Paul, did you read the comments on the blog you linked to? One of them was great:

"If you are a preacher and you aren't hated then you are not preaching the word of God and therefore going to Hell."

The commenter doesn't make it clear whether everyone who hears you has to hate you for you to avoid hell, or just a few people....

But you may want to work on being more of a jerk when you preach, just in case. ;-)

Anonymous said...

"rewarded by God exponentially"

as opposed to linearly?

Sorry Paul, I was never very good with exponentials! So, I better just keep tithing to the church.