Monday, January 22, 2007

Mars Hill

So as I type this, I'm sitting in the worship center of Mars Hill Church in Michigan (Rob Bell is the pastor here). It is a really interesting place. I drove here two summers ago when I took my Sabbatical and spent a couple of days. It's the anchor store of a mall... pretty sparse. They have painted the walls green... which is better than the white... and there is a kind of platform in the middle, but other than that, it looks like a K Mart.

I like it.

Now, I like beauty. I even like cathedral-type churches... there is an architectural beauty that honors God. But so does simplicity.

So on the drive up, a group of us were talking about "cool." What is "cool?"

I still don't think I'm cool, but I do know this... if cool is the traditional bald head and goatee... there are a lot of cool people here.

And I'm on my way to being cool... if only by nature.


Jennifer said...

I'm pretty sure there's a fundamental difference between the a building that demonstrates the architectural beauty of simplicity and a building that looks like K-Mart. And the two categories do NOT overlap.

I won't even try to define "cool" because I thought the advantage of being out of college is that I no longer have to care what "cool" is. Because when I did care, I definitely was not it.

Maybe I would have been cool if I had been bald? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Neato, are you there for the conference? i'd love to see notes and thoughts from the experience if so!

Anonymous said...

I have always that cool is characterized by confidence hat does not venture into ovreconfidence.

Anonymous said...

Keep updating from the conference!

Anonymous said...

simple is rad.

i have been wondering if rob bell would be so popular if he wasn't "cool"? i mean, he has a gift for teaching and what he teaches is good stuff, but... what if he looked like, i don't know, danny devito or something? would we listen?

paul... you are cool. and please don't grow a soul patch. the world doesn't need another one of those.