Wednesday, December 21, 2005


My daughter has been pretty sick lately. We've taken her to the doctor a number of times over the past few days. She is on a bunch of medication. She (or my wife or I) have not been sleeping a lot since Saturday. Even as i type this she is sleeping on my shoulder and has been for the past hour or so...(yes, try to imagine how I'm typing with a one-year-old sleeping on my shoulder.)

It's hard to watch someone you love be sick. But it's even harder with a baby... because they don't understand. She doesn't understand why she has these involuntary fits where everything inside her wants to come out (we just call it "coughing" and "sneezing") or why her stomach aches from all her coughing ("Well, honey, you have this muscle called a 'diaphragm' and it's doing a lot of expanding and contracting). She just knows she can't breathe and hurts.

Odd are she will get over this. Yes, I worry something my be really wrong, but chances are it's not. Next week she will be fine. But she doesn't see that. And I can't tell her.

But while she is sick, she is really clingy. She just wants to be held (even when she is fighting it).

Draw your own theological conclusions.

1 comment:

mdog said...

oh sure, make US do all the work.

great post.