Saturday, December 31, 2005

"Happy" New Year?

So it's New Year's Eve... my parents just left. I thought they would be staying but they decided to go back "home" so they could see my brother before they left for Florida again. I was hoping to spend New Years with them. Not that it would be all that exciting... we would have dinner, watch the ball drop, drink sparkling grape juice... no big deal.

But I sense I won't have too many more New Years with them.

So here I am going into the New Year and I'm really melancholy. Sad. I wish my parents lived closer so they could watch my daughter grow up. I wish they could see us more. I wish they could live forever. It's hard watching your parents grow older.

Odds are we are going to a friend's house to be with several other friends to celebrate New Years. I really like these people. I'm hoping even mdog will be there! And maybe my perspective will change. But for some reason I feel very alone right now.

1 comment:

mdog said...

funny, i was hoping you guys would be there! and so it came to be.

i hope your spirits were lifted by watching the ball drop... six or seven times was it? also, i'll be sending you some illuminating pictures soon. be well.