Monday, June 04, 2007

New and Improved

I was getting bored with the look of my blog. It was designed at a time when I didn't want anyone to associate me with my work or my work with me (read my early posts). Well, that is ridiculous. I'm guessing anyone reading this blog knows me... so now I want you to know me even better. So over time I will add links to stuff I like, books I am reading or recommend, sites to visit - I'm going to try to add a profile... if I can figure out the code.

I am finding that I am getting a lot of joy out of photography lately. So for now, I have added links to some photographers I enjoy and drool over their work on a regular basis. Some are pros and some are friends. Come to think about it, most of the pros ARE friends (I have some exceedingly talented friends).

I also linked to the blogs I read whenever they publish (they are on my RSS feed). I hope you enjoy the stuff I hope to add over time.


Jennifer said...

I like the new look, Paul. I've been meaning to redo mine but never seem to find the time....

JC said...

Nice. I like the new look!