But since I have moved, the church has added a statue. I have to say it makes an impression. (Click on the image for a larger view)

That is one really big Jesus.
Now, this big Jesus (not to be confused with this big Jesus) is called the "King of Kings" statue. It is supposed to be the largest statue of Jesus in the US. I'm told by a friend that it has come to be called, touchdown Jesus, although I can't see why.
But after much prayer and fasting, (I haven't eaten since dinner last night), I have decided we need one of these. Central needs a Big Jesus statue.
The question is... what kind of statue?
What would Jesus be doing? Where would he be located?
So if any of you want to help me... I say we have a contest. The winner gets lunch out at their favorite Athens restaurant (to be redeemed after Easter) with... well... ME of course.
If you are out of town and you come up with the best idea, I will find a way to get you a gift certificate to a restaurant in your area. The winner will be chosen by either a totally unbiased, randomly chosen panel of judges... or me.
Now, I am off to call a Trustees meeting. I need to raise some money. Hummmm...Let's see, how can we get that money raised? Could we cut the budget somewhere? Who could be responsible? Oh, I know!
Are we allowed to submit more than one entry? I hope so....
Here is my first idea.
We should have the "bar-hopping" Jesus. He could be outside of one of the bars uptown and be changing water into wine or something. Or even better he could be a fountain pouring out 'Nati Lite in an never ending stream of glory. Now that would be uplifting.
More ideas to come..
Perhaps he could appear in front of different bars each night, and we could call him "Shuffling Jesus."
i credit kt with the touchdown jesus/o-h-i-o picture.
can we have him peeking over the top of central? we can reshingle the roof and have it spell JESUS IS WATCHING.
In honor of the spring there should also be a "sun-bathing jesus" somewhere on south green. He could be laying out listening to a jam band with some sweet shades on.
Also, there should be a "cornhole playing jesus" out with the frat boys.
Casa Jesus, eating an enchilada.
As much as my competitive nature wants me to win, I think you'd be foolish not to go with mdog's answer.
hey, thanks!
if we're going with the Jesus-About-Town theme, i say a life-size jesus standing outside the courthouse, holding a protest sign. dry erase board embedded for ease of use.
mdog, I like the idea of holding a protest sign. But i think he should just have a hand in a position to hold a sign or flag so that he could get more universal use. Then we could have patriotic jesus, commie jesus and maybe even cheerleader jesus.
But keep the dry erase board in the other hand.
I also like mdog's idea for Jesus peaking over Central's roof.
Somehow, I picture Jesus in a more classical posture. Like the Colossus of Rhodes. He could straddle the Hocking River. We could call Him Colossus Jesus.
Think big, people!
would it be irreverent to have jesus pee into the hocking every now and then?
Kevin: completely irreverent.
I should note that one advantage of Colossus Jesus is that then we could say to everyone, especially Solid Rock Church, that our Jesus was bigger than theirs.
steeple envy turns to Jesus envy
Is it a sin to covet your neighbor's Jesus? I mean, aren't we supposed to want MORE of Jesus?
Keep those ideas coming. And Kevin, certainly multiple ideas are welcomed.
Since we are cutting Jim from the Budget to do this we could have a Jesus Loves the Poor Statue. It will be him with his Arms around the Jennings as they stand there frowning in tatered clothing.
Oh, very nice, Andrew! A good idea AND it involves Jim.
I put that one in the top few... although "Jesus is Watching" and "Colossus Jesus" (maybe with the peeing waterfall) are up there too.
But keep them coming.
And I am disappointed I have not seen graphics yet. :O)
hopefully the u.s. army engineers won't redirect the hocking anytime soon, because if we build peeing jesus that'll be hell to move. two points to be made. 1) when the river runs low, the peeing will bring in enough water [or wine?] to make it look like an ACTUAL river. 2) when the river runs high, it will look like he's walking on water. again.
"It will be him with his Arms around the Jennings as they stand there frowning in tatered clothing."
omg. funny.
I think there should be a Jesus that is a real "90's man". In touch with his feelings, not afraid to cry, well groomed wearing a nice ensemble from Banana Republic.
After no thought and hardly any consideration, I say we should put our gigantic Jesus on a hill somewhere in town so as to mirror the Nelsonville Cross, a la Isengard and Mount Doom in Peter Jackson's LOTR.
Or, what about something like this?
oh my... and you may win just because of how much I like the building materials!
But I do like "Jesus is Watching" and embracing poor Jim. Both have enough cynicism to make me happy. :)
and it's even called "my sweet lord". wow.
I think I need to say something seeing how Andrew has so graciously brought up my future demise for the sake of "statue Jesus.
I know the saying "I must decrease so that He may increase" sounds very pious, but . . .
So, I like Sarah's "My Sweet Lord" Jesus. A chocolate Jesus?!
However, questions abound for me: Does He melt? Can you break little pieces off him and eat them? Is he filled with peanut butter, or perhaps caramel and nuts? Does he come in dark or milk chocolate for those after the historically correct Jesus, or can one order the European model - in white chocolate?
Kind of sheds new light on John 6:53 when Jesus says we must eat his flesh!
I guess the chocolate should be kosher....
sooooo demanding.
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