Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Christian Chat

So I am needing a break. My brain hurts. I've been working on stuff and just needed a diversion.

So I went to a christian chat room.

Big mistake.

Let's see how much religious jargon we can use. How much God talk can we type in one sitting.

Look, I don't need someone typing the words to, "I want to see Jesus High and Lifted Up!" one line at at time, in between my questions about jobs, hobbies, location, etc.

I don't need someone to ask (and I swear I'm not making this up), "Hey, does anyone know a great blessing they could pray over this room?"

No one could talk about anything other than Jesus.

Now, I like Jesus... I love Jesus in fact. I think Jesus is the best thing EVER.

But ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Talk to me like a real human being!

Wow... some "Christians" are weird. It's no wonder people don't like us.


jared said...

Hey, I love Jesus too! Want to be my friend? We can be like Jesus buddies!

Kevin said...

does not compute......{BOOM!}

Sarah said...

I talk to myself that way... is that a problem??

Anonymous said...

paul, i noticed that you did not capitalize the word Christian in your post, and also, there was really no need to swear. let your yes be yes, and your no, no.

i think this blog needs a serious cleansing.

paul said...

I want to clense that comment. I have this little trash can I can click on....
