Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Eve Morning and Work

It's the morning of Christmas Eve. What does that make it...if Christmas Eve is a evening...can you have a Christmas Eve morning? Anyway...

Today I have to get ready for work tonight. It feels less like work this year as I'm not really doing anything, but I sometimes miss when my work was not my work. I love it, don't get me wrong. And I love where and who I am "working" with... but it's days like this that I wish I was just ... well... not "working" -- rather just choosing to be. There is a very different feel when you choose to be a part of a community verses when it is your job. I guess, in a very real sense, I DO choose to be a part of this community, but I'm not sure it is ever seen that way by anyone other than my wife and me. Rather, too often, people choose the community, or choose to leave, because of me... or at least my decisions. And I'm not really crazy about that... I'm guessing this is one of those issues that is unique to my profession.

What job would Jesus have if he came in flesh today? I doubt he would be a shepherd. I seriously doubt he would be a pastor. I don't think he would run for political office, or lead a Christian ministry (even a ministry with the poor). I guess he would probably work in an architect's office, or run a coffee shop, or have a little wood shop in his basement. If he was older, he may just be retired and serve people without being seen. He may teach for a university, or help train people, or work in accounting, or be a nurse or work for social services. He may teach Jr. High, or be a custodian.

I know that is where I have seen him lately.

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