Wednesday, December 29, 2004

buffet rant

So nobody seems to be reading, so I can rant. This is a dangerous rant it hits too close to home. I went to Cici's pizza for lunch. A pizza buffet. All you can eat for $4. Not bad. But I did notice something. Almost everyone there, (and the place was pretty full) including me, was overweight. A bunch of fat people eating at a pizza buffet.

Why are we (including me) so much slaves to food? Why, in a world where some starve, do others get fat? Why in a world where food is my biggest problem too much food? Why am I only writing about it?

1 comment:

paul said...

Blyss didn't go off topic at all. And thanks for your thoughts. Yea, it's interesting how we view food. I'm sure that is not how it was intended (although I think food taste good for a reason...otherwise God would have made everything taste bland, right?) Great thoughts though... thanks for posting.