Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Religious right...and left

I honestly get uncomfortable when either party claims Jesus. But there is a shift happening in religious/political landscape that is interesting. But just to remind you... wheather you are a McCain or Obama supporter, neither of them will bring in the Kingdom of God. No my friends, that is much your responsibility as anyone's.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I think you are dead right here Paul. I being a life long R, am shocked at my parties "Moral Authority" on this issue. I have read so many emails from die hard R's that are the most hateful, fear mongering, charachter assassinating venom, I have ever read! It has truly made me sick to see this ugly side of people come out. I am voting as we spoke before. This demonization of each others side is soo very tired. My side is 100% right, and yours is 100% wrong! Its just awful. :-( No one will give an inch of credit to the other side, always black and white. I can only assume the same hate filled emails are circulating through many D's inboxes too. I have hereby become an I.