Monday, September 22, 2008

Day off?

So I worked most of my day off. I could not turn my mind off. Yet I accomplished nothing that anyone will "see" in the next several months... it was all long-term stuff. Strategic, behind-the-scenes stuff. The stuff everyone assumes just happens.

Now, I'm smart enough to know that it's the long-term "important" work that often keeps an organization moving and healthy. There needs to be someone dreaming and planning. But when you have weekly "urgent" deadlines, sermons, budgets, appointments, stresses... yet all you do while working all day (on your day off) doesn't move you any closer to those "urgent" things... arg!

Most of my readers know by now that I LOVE my job. But just so you know... even people who love their jobs and feel called to do them have bad days. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Okay, maybe more than a bit. And although I know I will feel 100% better tomorrow, tonight I would trade this job for warm Diet Coke. It is definitely a Monday. (Funny, I dislike Mondays for a very different set of reasons than most people... but poor Monday always gets a bad rap.)

Of course, all this job stress will go away when I get elected president. Thankfully.

1 comment:

thea said...

Paul, your daughter is 4 you should know by now you never have a day off. Your always on call as a parent, and probably a pastor. That being said, I am sorry to hear your brain was running a mile a minute, long term planning. We all need do nothing time:)