Thursday, January 31, 2008


True love.


Anonymous said...

grrr. shallow.

why, other than a sense of power, would someone want to do this? "boy toy"? if i were single and successful, this is NOT what i'd be looking for. blech.

i have nothing else of value to say.

Rabbit-tracking Husband said...

No no,
"Younger men expect an older woman to be more accomplished. They are looking for you because you are intelligent..."
You obviously missed the point. This is a chance for mature, intelligent, and sophisticated women to meet with men who want such a woman. I mean, does money really enter into the picture?

paul said...

Does anyone else sense that Dustin may have said that sarcastically?

Ty said...

mmmmm Some people are weird. Although lots of $$ would make it easier to hangout with some old chick... however that could easily take a turn for the worse.

I guess it's a good thing I don't live in NY, they would be begging me to come to this event!!!!

ok not really, but hey.