Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No, no, no!

Okay, back to Central's new doctrinal statements. Sort of prompted by Tevor, I too went to the main church website for the author of our new doctrinal statements for Central.

And again, this can't be real. I mean really, can it?

I don't think this guy is sincere, I think he is dilusional. I mean, he is not mentally all there. "KJV, the words spoken by Jesus?" - WHAT?????

But I did find our new doctrinal statement about women. I'm sending this to our Administrative Board for approval next month. I'm sure it will get a warm reception. Let me see, who is on Ad Board? Talinn, Serena, Sandy, Becky....

[insert horse sound]

Still trying to figure out what he is going to do with that whip and bridle. (Proverbs 26:3 )


j.doc said...

i'm so, so terrified of that website...i really want it to be a joke. honestly. there can't be more than 2 people in that church and both of those people must be hard of hearing.

mdog said...

Their protection from danger is flight--it runs. They can not fight.

ok, terrible grammar aside... this guy has clearly never met me. can not fight. hmph. RAWR.

wtf is wrong with this guy.

Jenlyn said...

Um... "their coats are sleek and shiny. They are warm." "Soft eyes and lots of hair"? However, I do agree with the statement: "If you do not have the horses respect, it will literally walk all over you." He needs a wife-horse, it would walk all over him.

Perhaps someone should point out that a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots were war horses.

Rabbit-tracking Husband said...

That is so *very* flawed! Seriously, Jennifer is NEVER warm!

I still say delusional or not, I pity him in that what he has said is his heartfelt belief to be the entire scope of Christ...