Sunday, October 02, 2005

living a sermon...

The pastor of my church taught about living lives of service today. Technically he taught about the meaning of incarnation... God being with us. He said that if I really understood that God was with me, I would think, act, feel... live... differently.

I left the church, got into my car... and honestly, I was exhausted. I didn't want to be around people. I felt particularly sensitive. I drove home and thought about his words. I knew I was going home to a sick daughter and a wife who was tired and hungry...and I didn't want to serve them... and to be honest, I didn't want to be a dad today. I wanted to rent some movies and veg in front of the TV. I wanted to take a nap. I wanted to work out (well, not really, but I knew I had to!). I just didn't want to deal with a sick kid and serve my spouse.

I'm such a hypocrite at times.

I got home... and I came home to a spouse who, fortunately for me, listened to the same sermon. She greeted me with a kiss, My daughter even seemed to sense I needed a smile... my wife told me to go and take a nap, that I looked tired. She would watch our daughter. I slept for over an hour. I got to work out. I rented some videos. Now... I feel like serving... so I'm off to make dinner.

Grace is an interesting thing. We are often challenged to give it... but sometimes it's even harder to receive it.

God is with us.

1 comment:

paul said...

I'm really glad (you creep) that you think I have a nice blog and that (you creep) you believe I DESERVE more in life (get a real job). Thanks for sending me this informative email.

My life is now better... I can learn to make money like Bill Gates and Live like Donald Trump. Of course, I probably have to do what you are doing... and well...

Would Jesus have written this post?