Thursday, May 12, 2005

Good Boy...

Today my dog died. He held out until we got to the vet, but the moment my wife laid her head on his chest and said, "Blaise, you are a good boy. We are here. We love you," he stopped breathing.

In my job I have watched dozens of people die. There are certain things that always happen (extremities cool, lips change color, ears change)... and then there is that moment when the soul leave the body. If you have never seen someone die, you will never understand it. If you have seen someone die, you know exactly what I mean. There is that moment when the person is not there. I saw that tonight with my dog. He was there and then he wasn't.

I'm not trying to start a theological discussion here, I really don't want that... but I believe some animals (maybe all pets) go to heaven. Well...except cats. Okay, just kidding about the cat thing. Like I said, I really am not wanting to convince you of that... and I really am not asking what you think about the issue... people disagree and you can't be firm on either side.

But I think I can make a good case for it based on a systematic theology of creation and redemption. So I can wax eloquent using big theological jargon and quote scripture. But the main reason that I think there can be pets in heaven is that I believe pets have souls. And you animal lovers can attest to looking into your pets eyes and knowing they know...

In the OT, God breathed the RUAH into animals. ("RUAH" is the ancient Hebrew word for "breath" and "spirit.") And although animals are not made in the image of God, I'm not sure that is sufficient reason to believe they are not in heaven.

Theological discussion aside, I hope to see my dog again. I think heaven will be a lot different than some theologians say it will be. I'm thinking it will not just be billions of people all dressed in white all bowing down singing songs to God sitting on a throne. I'm betting it will be a lot like the garden of Eden. And I'm betting it will be very relational...

And I have hope that my dog will be there. Silly? Sentimental? Maybe. But study church history and I stand in good company.

Blaise will love Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think CS Lewis would agree with you. Just finished re-reading the chronicles of narnia....
