Thursday, January 19, 2006

Yea I know...

I'm fasting. Yea, I know that you are "not supposed to tell people that" but the reason Jesus told people to do it in private was so they didn't brag about it as a sign of being holy. Trust me, after this post, you will certainly not think I'm holy. Or bragging.

I hate fasting. Yea, I know, people have had amazing experiences of God when fasting. Yada Yada. For me, it has always been a discipline. And Hebrews says (and I just echo it) "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful..."

Can I get an amen?

But when I fast I am so painfully aware of how stinkin' weak I am! How dependent I am on food. How food is my god. I celebrate by eating. I relax by eating. When I'm depressed I eat. When I fast, I can't turn to that fake god. I have to be aware of the real one. But the fake one is soooo enticing.

But I still can't stand this. I'm so weak.

See... you can't possibly interpret this as bragging or pride!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that part where you say, "i can't turn to that fake god...i have to be aware of the real one." is a very very good line.