Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Walk..."I need a job."

This Saturday I did the Good Works Walk for the Homeless. As the focus of our trip we went to Wendys restaurant and all filled out job applications. We tried to put ourselves in the place of someone who was homeless and looking for a job.

It was humbling.

I work hard. I work long hours. My work is emotionally tough at times. But it's not physical labor and it actually is fulfilling. And, all things considered, I'm paid well. But that is not the case for everyone.

The state minimum wage is $4.25 an hour according to the government website. But let's say you make $5.50 an hour. And let's say you are really good and get 30 hours a week. That's $165 a week (before taxes). How do you live on that? Good Works pointed out that most people working their way out of being homeless don't have a car, so they walk to work. So that is another hour or so that you are not being paid, but it's tied up in work.

So I'm not sure what to do with this information. But it troubles me. And I prefer to live my life comfortably with no conviction... thank you very much.

So I've tried to post some pictures I took of the Walk... but they are on my new site...blogging pictures.

Yes, "Blogging Pictures."

I've never been really creative with names... my childhood stuffed frog was named, "ribbit" and my childhood dog was "brown dog." (You can guess his color.) So there it is, "Blogging pictures."

Also, pictures take forever to upload, so there are only a few. And now something is wrong with blogger... so I will add more later. My favorites are not up yet! (Note to self, always start with your favorites.)

Maybe I will figure out a better way to post pictures.

1 comment:

mdog said...

ny times article on "what is a living wage?".

courtesy of ian.