Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't you wish you could do this?

Sprint Boots 1,000 Customers for Excessive Complaining

Hundreds of cell phone customers are being given the boot, accused of being too high maintenance. Sprint-Nextel is disconnecting more than 1,000 subscribers on grounds the clients call customer service too often and make “unreasonable requests.” The 1,200 people getting dropped will have to find a new carrier by the end of the month.


JC said...

I guess I didn't call enough. They're not booting me just yet. Perhaps if I call a few more times to customer "service", get put on hold for another 45-50 minutes, talk to folks who really don't seem to care that I can't complete a flipping call and then get put on hold again, all the while being reminded by a recorded voice message that I really matter to them, just maybe "they'll" get tired of me and give me the boot. Oops, did I slip into cynicism there for a moment. I meant to say Sprint is the best!

Jennifer said...

Paul, are you contemplating booting your top complaining congregation members? Because if so, I think Central is the best! ;o)