Thursday, April 26, 2007


Well, I don't want to lose any of my loyal readers, but this might induce the "Sheep Shift" from one congregation to another.

I give you the Temple 420 church.

If you haven't done it already, go ahead and click on the link, I will wait.


Now, this gives new meaning to the phrase, "High and lifted up."

Do they open their greeting time with people by saying, "Hey everyone, what's the latest buzz around here?"

Do they say, "whoa" or "dude" instead of "amen"?

Does the 4:20 refers to Luke 4:20? (“Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him”)**

Is their vision statement, "Temple 420—where the grass is always greener.”

And exactly how big is their snack table?

** BTW, it doesn't.


mdog said...

And exactly how big is their snack table?

duuuuuuude. that's fuuunnnnnyyyyy...

Carrie said...

That's pretty good.
Thank you for your comment, you will see I have added you in the sidebar.

Sarah said...

Next "Conversations" topic: "Is God a pothead?"

JC said...

So, if "420" has its own wikipedia entry, is it still "a discreet way to refer to the consumption of cannabis" as the definition describes it to be?

i actually thought "420" referred to how many bags of "Cool Ranch Doritos" that were consumed during a typical "service" back at the snack

Jennifer said...

Jim: It was news to me. So good that my pastor can teach me more about pot. ;o)

Did anyone check out their forums? No recent posts under "prayer", but lots on "how to find cannabis".

Also, someone had an argument for how pot helps one experience the spiritual world. William James would be proud.

JC said...

Hey Jennifer,

Actually it was news to me. I really had no idea what it meant, but I was curious about what it referred to. So, I happened to follow the link Paul had posted about "420" (the "doesn't" link at the bottom oh his post) and it went to the wikipedia site.

If you haven't linked to it yet you should read the details. Crazy.

COLORADO said...

Did anyone notice how they advertise the church? Link back to it, and scroll to the bottom, I think you'll find it... well, just go.

paul said...

Lindsay, I didn't notice that.

We need to change our pictures on our web page. We have pictures of me.


Rabbit-tracking Husband said...

I dunno, I think requiring your congregation to have a valid drivers license and a active credit card or checking account is not a bad idea...Might up the tithe? Or at least the, er, *ahem* "operating" fund...