Tuesday, November 07, 2006

When a pastor falls, part 1

The recent revelations about Ted Haggard have me thinking once again about the topic I have struggled with the past year... so many of collegues and friends falling into sexual sin. I know I need to preach on this, but have been trying to wait until it was less of an emotional issue for me. The Haggard thing just tore open the wound again... maybe I need to "bleed" before Central.

Here are the final letters that were written by Ted and his wife Gail that were read to his congregation. I find them profoundly honest and full of hope...

I am going to talk about this with Central... most likely sooner than later, but I wonder if any of you have thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the letters are heart-wrenching. i, too, find them hopeful.

"The public person I was wasn't a lie; it was just incomplete."

how true for all of us... not just those we place on pedestals. how easily we forget.