Monday, October 16, 2006

Welcome to my world

I wish I could say that stuff like this is not common. In fact, it is a somewhat common part of my world. What is "amusing" is when people call and criticize but do it couched in spiritual language or, almost as bad, in the midst of a complement (when you know that they called not to complement you but to criticize.)

As bad as this stuff is as a phone message (and yes, I have gotten several calls very similar to this), it's worse as an email. I think email is cowardly and should be outlawed as a means of serious communication.

But that is just me.


jared said...

The remix rocks. Make sure you listen to it with stereo speakers to get the full effect. I've been meaning to tell you, Paul, to have a talk with that female singer on the worship team. I've noticed her moving her but back and forth, and it appears that you approve.

Jennifer said...

But we can blog our complaints about church, right?

I think I've seen that same female singer on the worship team flirting with the pastor...

Anonymous said...

Holy H*ck!

"Hello Pastor, I was ah, at that church that you run over there, you know it was a good one and I can see that you are doing the Lord's work, I was really moved... However I did want to mention that there was a baby crying during the offering, and I was brought to mind of Titus 1:9, which I sure you know, where it says 'He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.' Which I'm sure you know is hard to do with a kid bawling its head off like that.

Oh, and you might also want to have a word with that one guy towards the back, you know in a blue shirt (no tie, but one mustn't judge) who was actually breathing. I'm sure you know, Pastor, that once we step through those doors we are on Holy ground and there should be no hanky-pany going on like that.

Anyway just keep on keeping on, hallelujah and all that stuff or whatever."

Jennifer said...

"I wonder if one of the 1400 things God told this man was "Thou art an Idiot"?"

Todd: well, in all fairness, that's something God to say to all of us. ;-)

paul said...

For those interested... I got a similar call to this one only yesterday. Welcome to my world.

Anonymous said...

i prefer to just outright complain... no pretense here.

does this make me honest, or just blunt? :)

Sarah said...

We used to have a regular caller to the newspaper who would complain about... the underwear ads. She would say, "You have such a nice family paper, I just can't understand why you print those." Oftentimes this same person would mail in clipped-out pics of women or men in swimsuits found in the paper, with similarly-themed note.

The best was one day when she sent a clipping of... not kidding here... the Oscar statuette. If you hadn't noticed, he's not wearing much. (Yet another example of the filth they generate in Hollywood these days.) And yes, this person was completely serious.