Friday, March 18, 2011


I've been struggling lately with dizziness. I had a bunch of test done and the best they can determine is that my blood pressure is high pretty consistently.

I've never been good at self care. Truth is, I've always been overweight. My tendency is to always put other people's needs before mine. I have a somewhat stressful job and I stress eat. There have been seasons of my life where I have exercised pretty regularly, but not lately. Really, this past year or so has been exceptionally bad in terms of self care and this has been especially true lately, on multiple levels.

So my doctor put me on blood pressure medication while I try to bring it down naturally. Honestly, I feel like a failure. I feel really, really old. Defeated. For some reason this doesn't feel motivating to me ("Wow, now I really need to make those changes!"), but more of a nail in the coffin. It has had a profoundly negative effect on my self perception. So yeah.

All of this could be a really long blog post. One that is probably a lot more personal than I want to make it, so that is pretty much it for now.

Except to say that I found the #1 side effect of the blood pressure meds very humorous:



Daniel said...

Yeah, I have been through this myself. Now it seems that if I even look at a potato chip or a piece of cake I gain five pounds. Thus I have to read labels for fat and salt and sugar. I mean WTF? (that means where's the flavor preacherman - keep it G). Seeing that I am about 500 miles away and can't give you a hug or tell you that any change you make will be well worth it to keep going on your journey with your two lovely ladies, I will just spend a few moments in prayer for you my friend.

mdog said...

we should do subway lunches, friend.