It appears my comments are not prized and my valuable opinions aren't sought.
I feel nothing but disillusionment. :O)
I also am way too busy, with way too much to do, to spend anytime reading certain blogs of little or no sociological value.
I hope you all enjoy writing your posts without my commentary
You really are bored, aren't you? Maybe you should try a hobby - like blogging - I hear that's a good hobby.
I'm too busy to notice you're on strike. But if you happen to stop by my illustrious blog, feel free to leave comments.
no comment.
I'd leave a comment but I'm not talking to you either. First you insult my blog post by implying that it was shallow, and now you accuse me of disparaging your comments.
I feel nothing but disillusionment, Paul. ;o)
actually, I didn't call YOUR blog shallow... just that my commentary wasn't valued. :O)
Paul, how quickly you forget your hurtful comments. ;o) You did imply my most recent blog post was shallow (coincidently, another example of you being first to post a response).
As if the last Harry Potter book being released in July is not of life and death importance....sheesh!
Oh, that's right! I DID call you shallow!
My bad...
But I digress... and I'm on a blog strike so I'm not posting.
(if any of my readers don't know Jennifer or me... we are okay... I think we actually like each other... okay, I like her.)
If I were speaking to Paul (which I'm not) I would say HA! you admitted you called my post shallow!
With comments like these...who would protest a comment strike? ;o)
I would also second him in saying that for those of you who perhaps don't know either of us, we are indeed just having fun. And Paul, I like you too. :o)
oh wait... when I said I liked Jennifer, I thought it was a different Jennifer. Sorry.
wow... that was a shallow comment I just made...
I'm siding with Management
Paul: that's okay, because if you're shallow, then I'm insincere. I was just saying I liked you to try and be nice. For some reason, I think I have a reputation as not a nice girl. I didn't actually mean it. :oP
Though I'm very highly amused by the timestamps on all your responses in this thread: many of them are responding to comments posted only 5 minutes earlier. Too busy, eh?
Patrick was definitely on to something....
Paul, ten bucks says you're sitting at your computer, checking the time, trying to figure out how long you have to wait before coming back with a scathing reply in order to still justify your "I'm too busy to blog" stance....
Hey, read the post... I'm on a blog strike here!
And, I work at a computer for most of my job... what do you think you are, some kind of physic? Of course I'm at my computer! :O)
And YOU seemed to have some extra time on your hands this morning!
uh.... I will give you the ten bucks on Sunday
Paul, you crack me up.
Big Brother is Watching!
Actually, big brother is going to close his email and RSS feed so he is not distracted... which, believe it or not, he does most of the time.
Clearly, I need to get a job doing whatever and Paul and Jennifer do for a living that allows them to post blog comments every five minutes.
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