Monday, February 12, 2007


My sincere hope is that my collegue is on the road to healing and restoration, but it takes me almost three weeks to change my socks.


Anonymous said...

maybe it's early, but i don't get the sock comment.

the phrase "completely heterosexual" sounds very strange to me. anyone else? can we as christians not handle the mere possibility of anything less?

also, i find it odd that they recommended him to take up secular work somewhere far far away.

Jennifer said...

My sincere hope is that Paul does not actually take three weeks to change his socks....

Yeah, I saw that article a few days ago. It's rather depressing: his claim of being "completely heterosexual" after three weeks' contemplation about a situation that went on for years and which he had a LOT of trouble honestly confessing at first just seems like more lies--and stupid lies at that.

I suppose I can't know what's really going on in his head or heart, but it certainly appears he's continuing to try and peddle half truths as the genuine thing.

Also, my skin crawled when I thought of someone that (apparently) lost in deception becoming a psychologist.

Even if he is being completely honest, that doesn't seem like the profession to help one recover from the stress of pastoring....