Sunday, April 30, 2006

Faith Healers: It would be funnier if it wasn't so true...

During a revival meeting, a faith healer asked the people in line what they needed. One man's request was for his hearing.

The healer determed it was a demon of deafness, so spit on his finger, put it in the man's ear, and yelled, "In the name of Jeeezus... come out."

He held out the microphone asked him, "How's your hearing now?"

The man said, "I don't know - it's next Tuesday."

1 comment:

jared said...

I'm always a skeptic about these things anyway, but things like this, while amusing, just make all of Christianity look silly. There was a guy at a prayer meeting I went to in Atlanta basically guessing random body parts that needed healing hoping someone in the room had that ailment. Eventually he found someone with back pain (what are the chances of that?) and prayed for him. Asked if he felt any better the prayer recipient said, not really. I think I believe that God is still in the healing business and that he may even do so miraculously, but these people just make it all that much harder for me to believe.