Thursday, June 09, 2005

Holy, Holy, Holy...

Today was the "perfect parenting day." It was one of those days when my infant daughter was nothing but wonderful. She had been sick for the last 2 weeks, crying and screaming. The last 2 days she has really perked up. Today is was adorable. She was smiling and laughing and generally overall well..."cuteness defined"....

My wife went through some pretty severe depression during the final trimester of her pregnancy. At one point, when things looked pretty bleak, she had nothing less than a vision. (My wife is not a "vision of the day" type person, so this was pretty strange.) She was leading worship at a church and was doing the call to worship. Our daughter was 4 or so... and my wife asked her, "So what did all the animals around the throne say when they worshipped God?" And our daughter said, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come." That moment began to move my wife out of depression... it was a powerful image for us...

"...and a little child shall lead them."

From the first time I held her, I have been repeating that verse to her. That verse is life to me. And her reaction is always interesting... it brings her such peace. She often looks at me and smiles when I say it. Sometimes, the she looks so deeply into my eyes that it's almost like our souls there is a mystery we both share. It is one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had...

God is bigger than me. I don't understand Him. There is a mystery...

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