Friday, December 07, 2007

Back to Ohio

Was it really just two days ago I was in Honduras? Was it really this week that we were building a cafeteria for the children in Neuva Esparanza? Was it really this week that I spent a week without a cell phone, watch, computer, commitments other than loving and serving. I'm having a harder time reflecting on this experience this year for some reason. It could be because it was harder in some ways than last year. But it could be that I enjoyed it so much more than last year. In many ways Honduras felt like home.

I guess it is impossible to put into words all the feelings have or things we experienced. I'm not sure I'm even willing to try. But the posts will unfold as I work through all that I have to process. So I will blog for me... when I'm ready.

Until then... please feel free to go to my Flickr and see the images that might help capture a few thousand words. If you are really into it, you can go to the MDL Flickr I set up and look at hundreds of them as I post them over the coming weeks.

Some things, people and experiences change you forever.


Anonymous said...

welcome home! i'm looking forward to hearing more about the trip. and i (and my coworker who popped in while i was looking at your blog) really like your pics.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures you took of Jamie on the afternoon she dressed up while we were making t-shirts are just adorable. Thanks for capturing what I want to remember in a way I couldn't have done myself.