Sunday, January 23, 2005

I'm not at work...

I'm not at work. I usually am at this point. But when I called the Sheriff's department, their recommendation was to close the "office" where I work. Level 2 because of ice. I guess I should be happy...I get the morning off. But I'm not. I like my work. I love the people I work with. And, given my occupation, the "work" is already done! Plus, I had to get up early so I could make the call whether or not to cancel work. That's no fun!

My wife's dad was a school superintendent so on "snow days" he was the one who made the call whether or not to cancel school. He would get up at 4:30 and drive around the roads of his neighborhood to see how bad they were. He would drive some of the bus hills. When I was in HS, I never in a million years pictured my school superintendent laboring over canceling school. But maybe he did. Maybe it wasn't as easy as "Wow, I get the day off!" Sometimes being a leader and making the call sucks.

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