Friday, January 18, 2008

I love my job but...

A 17 hour workday is a bit excessive.

Starting the clock at 6pm Saturday night, I've worked 70+ hours this week.

Which is not bad... except that this is only Thursday ('s Friday).

And I took the entire day Tuesday off.

And I have a full schedule all day tomorrow from 7:30 until 6 pm.

And all day Saturday from 10:30 until 8 pm.

And then there is Sunday morning.

But Sunday afternoon... you will not find me.

Until Tuesday.



mdog said...

tgim. nice.

the hardest working man at central!!

get some rest next week. we do appreciate you, friend.


paul said...

Well thanks... I like to be appreciated as much as the next guy. I really wasn't complaining or pointing out that I work hard... it was more of an observation. "Hey, I'm tired. I wonder why? Oh! I know why! I've been working for 17 hours!" I'm glad I have a job where I can lose track of that stuff.

Anonymous said...

ew. i hope you're able to recharge on your day off. :)

mdog said...

i KNOW that! am i not allowed to give appreciative reminders?? silly boy. :P

Andrew Luis said...

Have a good rest I am excited to catch up on podcast.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you might could use a vacation in the future...I know a quiet out of the way place in oh...Colorado if your ever interested.

Thanks for all you give and who you are!