Friday, November 16, 2007

Car Phone Salesman

America's Got Talent. American Idol. Yea, does anyone else find Simon annoying? But it is always surprising to me the people who come on these shows and actually think they have an ounce of talent. I mean, how deceived can you be? They are giving away a million dollars! Come on!

Then you have Simon who gets to tell them they suck (and you are actually on his side for once). And you know it's coming. You know when you see them walk on the stage that this is really going to be bad. And you can see it in the faces of the judges. I mean, you don't want to judge someone before they even sing...but really...

Meet Paul Potts.

Paul Potts sells car phones and has a life dream of singing... wait for it... opera.


paul said...

I guess some things are not as they seem.

Anonymous said...

holy cowell!

i hate to say it, but i actually love simon. i used to watch AI, but just like all other reality shows they only put through people who will increse ratings. i don't think it has anything to do with talent. but this dude...whoa!

Anonymous said...

The few times I've seen Idol I've found Simon accurate and to the point. He doesn't bandy words and he lets people know where they stand, unlike Paula Crapdul.

That was pretty amazing, and incredibly gutsy to pull opera at AI.

JC said...

Wow!! Paul Potts is amazing! I for one am glad he is not as he seems.

Sarah said...

Nice. (Never thought I'd say that in reference to a reality television show, but there you have it.)

I just love watching the judges faces go from pure skepticism to amazement.

ls118003 said...

Simon's "Head Snap of Shock" was priceless.