Friday, July 14, 2006

Biking update

So in response to Jen... :O)

I have really enjoyed biking to work. So far, I have only a week under my belt (5 trips) I just hit the 60+ mile mark. Hardly a huge record compared to Jen, but hey, seeing it is almost as far as I have biked in the previous 3 years, not bad.

There are some changes I must make (keep a stock of clothes at the office and maybe buy a larger bag to carry my stuff, buy a windbreaker and learn how to do simple maintenance), but so far, I have to confess, I really like it.

I like that I get some exercise, that I run with rabbits and squirrels every morning, that I have seen 7 deer so far, that I'm not driving a car (and using gas), and honestly, it gives me a strange feeling of accomplishment. There is a certain competitive streak in me that makes me want to beat my time and have a higher average speed... but sometimes I just like to cruise.

And Jen was right... it appears my hand problem was nothing more than muscles that had not been used much... it it much better.

Thanks again to all who encouraged my latest goal.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Paul, I am so proud of you! I'm also impressed that you biked every day this week--pretty awesome for your first week.

And quite frankly, I think 60+ miles is also a huge record for one week. When I first started this (when I had a different job), I was biking only 6 miles a day, so I had half that total at the end of a week. You're doing great.

I'm glad your hand pain turned out to be nothing serious. I'm glad you're getting that feeling of accomplishment, too.

I'm a little jealous of your route--you get to bike in the woods. At best, I bike in rural pastoral land, so I see cows and horses and pigs.

I'm still looking forward to biking home with you some evening....